New to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Santa Cruz County? Welcome!

Visiting UUFSCC

We need not think alike to love alike. Most of the members of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship were not born UU. Ours is a chosen faith. We come from many other faith traditions—and from no religion at all. We warmly welcome all seekers of a free church to our Sunday services and programs regardless of religious or spiritual belief, background, life path or age. We come in search of answers to questions like these…

  • How can I lead a deeper spiritual life?
  • How can I be engaged with something beyond day to day, secular life?
  • How can I be part of a community of meaning and purpose?

For those of you already Unitarian Universalist, we bid you warm welcome, and offer a place from which to continue exploring your spiritual path.

Plan Your Visit to a Sunday Service

We know that visiting a new church is exciting but sometimes can be daunting, too. The aim of this page is to help you prepare for your first visit.

If you are visiting us on Zoom, click here.

The UU Fellowship is located at 6401 Freedom Boulevard in Aptos, about one mile from the Freedom Blvd. exit off Hwy 1.

We invite you to arrive by 9:45 so that we have time to greet and orient you. Stop by the Visitor Table in the courtyard where you’ll find friendly and helpful greeters who will tell you about what’s happening that Sunday and provide you with information about our community. You are welcome to make a temporary nametag, fill out a visitor card, and ask any questions. Feel free to sign up for our weekly email newsletter to keep you informed about services and Fellowship activities.

During the service, visitors will be invited to introduce themselves if they are comfortable with doing so in order that members of the congregation can personally welcome you. Please plan to stay for the hospitality hour after service so that we can get to know you better.

Visiting Us UUFSCC

For Families

Families are especially welcome!

The Fellowship is in the process of developing a new plan for multi-generational Religious Exploration, and we are not currently offering a dedicated program for children or youth. In the interim, our goal is to welcome families who attend Sunday service as follows:

  • Check in at the Greeter Table when you arrive so we can introduce you to a member of the congregation who will orient you and provide options for your visit.
  • Families with children of all ages are invited to attend the service in the Fellowship Hall together.
  • We will have “creativity bags” available with items for smaller children to stay quietly busy during the service, if needed.
  • We are also developing these alternative spaces for families:
    • The Family Room: a comfortable place with a few books, craft supplies, and toys/ games where a parent/caregiver can remain with their child(ren). We will have a laptop available so you can also attend the service on Zoom from there.
    • The Back Patio: The patio is available as a place to hang out with a speaker to broadcast the service so a family can listen in.
    • Rose Blossom Pre-School: The use of the playground is an option for the youngest children under 6 years old when accompanied by a parent and a member of the Fellowship.

Please stay in touch and check-back to our website for updates about our plans for serving children and families. We look forward to having you join our new multigenerational ministry!

FAQs that Newcomers Often Have About Their First Visit to Our Fellowship:

1. What goes on during the worship services?
Our worship usually follows an order of service with elements like readings, singing, sharing of joys and concerns, meditation, and a sermon.
During this transition year without a settled minister, services will be led by guest ministers, Fellowship members or lay speakers. Check the newsletter or the Upcoming Services webpage for information.

2. Are people of diverse racial, religious or ethnic backgrounds welcome in this congregation?
We are an open and loving community and we welcome people from all backgrounds to join us.

3. Are there bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgendered people in this congregation? Are they welcome?
Yes. Our congregation is officially a “Welcoming Congregation” which affirms and promotes the inherent worth and dignity of every human being. (See the Principles and Purposes of our Association and our Fellowship Covenant.)

4. What should we wear to the Fellowship?
Our Fellowship is mostly a casual place. There are some who choose to dress up, but for the most part people come in comfortable attire. Children, especially the youngest ones, should be dressed for comfort.

5. Is there childcare/Sunday School during Fellowship services?
See above info “For Families” about our current planning efforts and what we can provide for families.

6. Can my child stay with me in the service?
We welcome families with children to stay for the entire service. We do offer alternative options for your family if this won’t work for you – please see “For Families” info above.

7. Is there easy parking?
Yes. Once you turn into the Fellowship campus you will see ample parking with a spillover section in the back.

8. Will I feel pressured to give money if I am a visitor?
No. A basket is passed, but as a visitor, you are invited to let it pass. We are simply pleased that you chose to visit us.

9. Will I be locked out if I am late to the service?
No. Latecomers are invited to enter quietly from a side door that is clearly marked. Seats are normally reserved in the back row for latecomers.