A Meditation
First, find a safe, quiet space to sit down.
If you like, you can set a timer for 5 minutes. Some people find that having a timer helps them relax in the moment. (If you do this, please make sure the sound of the timer is relaxing.)
Begin by just sitting. Close your eyes if that feels comfortable, or just let your gaze be soft. Take a few breaths. For these next 5 minutes, there’s nothing you need to do, nowhere you need to be, just sitting.
Whenever you’re ready, notice what emotions you’re feeling. Anxious, worried, distressed, sad, angry, lost? OK, that’s what you’re feeling. You might just say, Hello, feelings. I see you. We are here together.
Keep sitting.
When you’re ready, notice: How is your body feeling? Where are you holding tension in your body? You might say, Hi, body. We are here together.
If you want, try breathing into those spots in your body that feel tense. You can invite those spots to relax if they want. No forcing, just an invitation.
Keep sitting.
Now, say to yourself: In this moment, I am safe. In this moment, I am safe.
Keep sitting.
When you’re ready, ask yourself: What do I need right now?
It might be something very small, like a cup of tea, a hug, a piece of chocolate, a bit of fresh air, or texting a friend. Whatever it is, please give yourself that thing as soon as you can when the meditation is over.
Sit a bit more.
Now, whenever you’re ready, come out of the meditation, thanking yourself for having given yourself the gift of this time.
Then, from this place of safety and spaciousness, return to your day–hopefully with a sense of greater ease and grounding.
That’s it! Thank you for practicing with me today, and thank you for caring so much about this world. You impact the world in many ways, often unseen and unsung but always deeply needed. We need you. Thank you for being yourself.
Rev. Laura