Author: Rev Russ Menk

Benefits of Staying

On July 1, 2021, I will complete my 8th year at UUFSCC. That makes me the longest serving minister of the 10 ministers who have served this Fellowship since 1983. Some surveys put the average protestant pastor’s tenure at between 3 and 4 years. This seems about right for UUism as well. There’s even a … Continue reading Benefits of Staying

Accepting What Is

If you want to change something, the first step it to accept what is. Let’s re-read that slowly together: If you want to change something, the first step it to accept what is. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? That’s because most of us are scared to embrace acceptance—worried that if we accept things the way they … Continue reading Accepting What Is

Divinity Disguised

You are divine. That’s a seldom heard phrase in Unitarian Universalist circles, but I believe it. You are divine. You carry within you a piece of the Universe—a part of the infinite—a portion of all that has ever been. You are unique in time and space—and that is no accident, because you are part of … Continue reading Divinity Disguised

Church in 2020

When I started seminary (2008) the hot topic was “what will church look like in the 21st century.” There was abundant evidence that the forecast was dismal. Attendance, donations, participation, and interest were on steep declines. Alienation, apathy, suspicion, scandal, and SBNR (spiritual but not religious) were on steep inclines. The old ways were not … Continue reading Church in 2020

Adjusting to Our New Reality

For me, the initial pause and lull of going into Sheltering in Place didn’t last long. Back in early March, it was unnerving to be so uninformed about COVID, but my decision to isolate offered possibilities of unstructured time to try new things. Since I came off sabbatical though, the passage of time seems to … Continue reading Adjusting to Our New Reality

My Thoughts on Anti-Racism Training

By Ministerial Intern Sangye Hawke Anti-racism scholar and activist Tema Okun ( writes: “The list of white supremacy characteristics includes: perfectionism, a sense of urgency, defensiveness, valuing quantity over quality, worship of the written word, belief in only one right way, paternalism, either/or thinking, power hoarding, fear of open conflict, individualism, belief that progress is … Continue reading My Thoughts on Anti-Racism Training

John Lewis

Below is an article published in the NY Times containing an essay (& recording of it) that John Lewis wrote days before his death. Per his request, it was published on the day of his funeral. I hope you find it as inspiring and hopeful as I do……………..Rev Russ Together You Can Redeem the Soul … Continue reading John Lewis


I have a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon on my desk which says “History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction.” I find this more accurate than the cliché “history is written by the winners” because Calvin highlights that we yearn for an understanding … Continue reading Statues