Tell Me a Story, Sing Me a Song

Join us as we explore our UU Values through the wisdom and example of timeless tales, picture books and songs. Bring your inner child (or any child in your life) with you today! Worship Speaker: Mindy Scherr Worship Associate: Bob Campbell

Judgment-Free Zone

Today we’ll dig into a story about how to get past the urge to judge and criticize others. You’ll get to try out some simple practices to set judgment aside and make room for appreciating others exactly as they are. And maybe yourself too! Minister: Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig on Zoom Worship Associate: Sylvia Forsyth To … Continue reading Judgment-Free Zone

Seeking Unity

“Five-hundred fifty years ago, spiritual teacher Guru Nanak founded a religion whose traditions include universality, equality, service to others, and the pursuit of a just society. We start the new year by welcoming practicing Sikhs into our sanctuary. The story of their faith, its history, and its personal impact in the present day will be … Continue reading Seeking Unity