The Open Circle

Our values call us to live in the reality of the heartbreak of our world, remembering that: “No one is outside the circle of love.” How can we keep the circle and our hearts open when we may wish to ‘close ranks’? Whom, or what, do we trust when the winds of change shift? Minister: … Continue reading The Open Circle

The Speed of Trust

Reverend Jen Bailey of the Faith Matters Network has said “Social change happens at the speed of relationships. And relationships move at the speed of trust.” We live in a time of eroding trust. Whether because of threats to our democratic institutions, misinformation, or interpersonal difficulties, it can feel increasingly difficult to rely on that … Continue reading The Speed of Trust

For Such a Time as This

Today we’ll retell the Jewish story of Esther, who risked everything to save her people from those who would have destroyed them. And we’ll celebrate the wisdom and challenge in her uncle’s famous speculation: Maybe you are here exactly for such a time as this. Minister: Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig (via Zoom) Worship Associate: Thomas Witz … Continue reading For Such a Time as This