Life Unfolding

Today we bring compassion, curiosity and creativity to the question: how (and why) to stay present and engaged during life’s most challenging seasons? Worship Speaker: Rev Stefanie Etzbach-Dale Worship Associate: Bob Campbell

The Seven Social S̶i̶n̶s̶ Values

In 1925, an Anglican priest proposed a list of major transgressions, revising the famous catalog of “deadly sins.” Six months later in India, this same new list was cited in a newspaper article written by Mohandas Gandhi. But when “sin” is emphasized, it becomes a handy excuse to point fingers. By flipping these sins to … Continue reading The Seven Social S̶i̶n̶s̶ Values

Neurotheology: The Science of Mystical Experiences

Are mystical experiences real? And what does “real” mean, anyway, when the experience is “all in our head”? Today we explore what neurotheology–the neuroscience of religious experience–can teach us about our brains and our human capacity for awe, wonder, and mystery. Minister: Rev. Laura Horton-Ludwig on Zoom Worship Associate: Carolyn Johnson-Gutter