The Movie has Ended

The movie just ended. The credits have rolled by and the screen is black. It was a great movie—one that totally captured me in mind and spirit. It was a fantastic movie—I lost all track of time. It was an extraordinary movie—I felt like I was living the part of the main character. At times I laughed, at times I cried—my emotions ran the full spectrum. A complete cathartic experience.

Now, I’m sitting in a dark theater. My chair is quite comfortable and I’ve still got popcorn and the remainder of my drink. It is quiet here—I don’t sense anyone around me.
As I wonder if there’ll be a second feature, I can’t help but remember the movie. I recall the joys, the sorrows, the heights, the depths, the excitement, and the ordinary. It was a good movie.

It is so dark that I don’t know if I can leave. But, I have neither the initiative nor motive to leave. Where would I go? I munch on my popcorn and reach for the drink in the cupholder. I vacillate between remembering the movie and wondering what will happen next. When I become fully present—I realize I’m sitting alone in the dark which is a bit unsettling—so I return to thinking about the movie or what might be next. For now, there’s really nowhere else that I can be.

Sheltering in Place during the pandemic creates a liminal state of being in between. The movie has ended, but nothing else has begun. It’s appealing to think and talk about the next movie—or what may be our coming attractions. It’s tempting to want the movie to start again because it ended too soon. Impatiently, we yearn for something to begin—a movie or even a rerun.

Sitting alone in the dark, I know something will begin—something will change—and the lights will come on. I have faith that some kind of new life will arise—but not now. It is too soon. Hoping won’t make it happen faster. A beginning will begin when it is time.

These are trying times; difficult to feel at peace. May we all have the patience to do no harm as we wait to see what happens next.
Everything changes………………..yours in shared ministry……………..Russ