Rev. Russ Menk graduated from Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California with an MDiv degree in 2013.  He was given Preliminary Fellowship by the Unitarian Universalist Association with the award of his degree and he received Final Fellowship in 2016. Rev. Russ was ordained by the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Santa Cruz County on March 16, 2014.

During seminary, Rev. Russ pursued various pastoral ministry experiences in four congregations in California and an internship in Massachusetts.  He served his chaplaincy requirement in a large Texas hospital.

He currently lives in Santa Cruz, California because this is a great place to pursue his love of life-long learning, walking on the beach, and not shoveling snow.

Rev. Russ had a prior career in aerospace in Utah, where he worked in middle management positions in a wide variety of roles for 29 years.  Along that path, he earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA.  He found UUism at the First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City in 2002.  He served there in a variety of lay leadership roles including Board President and Auction Chair.

He grew up in Texas (a 6th generation Texan) where he met and married his wife Jackie 40+ years ago.  While they have no human children, they have always had animal kids.  He is an avid lover of all animals.  They currently have three small rescue dogs.