In our Christmas Eve service, I talked about miracles of the holiday (audio recording Here), but I wanted to expand on the subject a bit.
I believe in miracles.
Each day is a miracle—as each moment.
I believe each one of you is a miracle.
I believe everything is holy.
I believe we are part of something much larger that we cannot comprehend.
I believe our lives are a result of our choices,
even though some of us have fewer choice options than others.
I believe we all get nudges from the Universe just prior to our actions and decisions.
I call them “Holy Nudges” because this term captures the nuanced hints of wisdom that the Universe offers me—and all of you.
I ignore these nudges most of the time, but when I listen and act on them I sense the abundance of miracles.
Because of anxiety abounding in our community/country as our leadership transitions, I’ve changed the worship theme at UUFSCC for February to “Joy” because I believe Joy has a contributing power to carry us through difficult times—and many of us could use more joy in this season.
I believe that joy is not something you receive from luck.
Joy does not come to us by our hard works.
Joy does not come to us by our decision to feel joy.
Joy is not something to quest after and achieve.
but joy is something we are called to give away.
By giving away joy, it comes to us.
Recognizing miracles around us, following nudges, and giving away joy can be healing to you and to those around you. And I believe we could use more of all three……………….may it be so……..Russ