Membership Expectations
What you can expect from the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Santa Cruz County (UUFSCC)
To Keep Learning
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors…the UU Fellowship is a community that values learning and an open-ended search for truth and understanding. We are not here to impose answers on each other, but to explore together.
To Deepen Your Sense of Belonging
If you worship regularly and participate in our congregational life, including Sunday Hospitality, small group ministry, adult religious exploration, and volunteer service, you can expect to build deep and enduring relationships.
To be Part of a Caring Community
Caring for one another is a core spiritual practice of this congregation. As Unitarian Universalists, we are dedicated to building a beloved community where each member is known, accepted and valued. We commit to offering support and compassion to you during major life transitions or difficult times. You are also welcome to use the services of the minister and the discounted or free use our facilities for important life celebrations.
To be Transformed through Membership
By joining this congregation in a covenantal relationship to “walk together” with fellow members despite our differences, you are undertaking a journey that will grow and deepen your own personal faith and search for meaning.
What UUFSCC expects of members
Abide by our UUFSCC Vision, Mission and Covenant
- Support our UUFSCC covenant, vision and mission. [here]
- Strive to live our Unitarian Universalist principles. [here]
Attend and Participate
- Attend Sunday worship regularly
- Participate, when possible, outside of Sunday morning worship. You are strongly encouraged to join a monthly small group ministry or participate in other religious exploration activities.
- Attend and vote at congregational meetings and take responsibility for shared governance.
Support the Congregation Financially
- Make an annual pledge (or request a financial waiver from the minister if this is a hardship).
- Make the Fellowship a priority in your charitable giving with an aim towards pledging 5% of your income
Serve the Congregation and Community
- Participate in a Fellowship activity or volunteer service as your time permits Share your gifts, talents and time with the congregation.
- Reach out to other congregants with care and support.