Ginny Aragon

Ginny Aragon

My Journey

I look at most things in life as a journey – those experiences or processes that evolve as I ramble down a path. For anyone who’s taken walks with me, you’re aware that I’m propelled by what’s up ahead, what’s behind the next bend or what’s just past that interesting tree, bush, house, cow, whatever.  I’m endlessly curious. That may be the demise of me one day but it’s also what brought me here and what led me to get involved with all the rich possibilities of this Fellowship.

I have no master plan. I started coming here after I retired and sought community. Nothing more than that really. I knew a little bit about Unitarianism. I knew they had progressive leanings and put on great potlucks. I knew it could be an intense, questioning group who sought to find meaning and connection in a spiritual context. I knew they cared about a better world and wanted all towns to be nuclear free zones.  And again, they also put on great potlucks which probably can’t be mentioned enough.  You can see that my understanding was pretty one-note. But being here over these years and taking part is what’s added dimension, richness and texture to my life.  It’s the more fully realized story of the impact of this faith and practice.

For some background: I started coming here about 4 ½ years ago and actually joined the Fellowship just over 4 years ago.  Like some of you, I didn’t see myself as the joining type – whatever that means. I was just going to come now and then and creatively ‘hang out’.  And as I thought about it, I had certainly never joined a faith community as an adult, of my own volition, following my own truth. So, when signing the book was the next step, I was quite astonished at the natural way that felt. And amazed at the same time. I was no longer the Lutheran of my childhood but I was intentionally stepping into a world of new thoughts and fresh points of view. My own. Thinking about that moves me to this day. It felt very powerful. And restating comments from earlier in the Service: rather bold. Me? Bold? Wow!

People here seemed so at ease with each other – it felt like everyone knew each other’s names and families and had associations and shared experiences. Would I ever fit in? Would I always be on the outside looking in?  Would this ever become my community? My spiritual home?

But joining, it turned out, was the easy part. The ongoing challenge is about meeting my own expectations while remaining open to growth and possibilities and even uncertainty – you know, the human struggles part. It’s about exploring and probing the profound awesomeness of Beloved Community. It’s about understanding how I feel about change and carving out time for reflection. About trust and openness. About faith and mystery. About give and take. About love. It’s ALL the journey. My journey.

I’m a firm believer in the metaphor of the Tortoise and the Hare: slow and steady wins the race. Becoming part of the Fellowship was not instant nor did I expect it be. I needed time to incubate my own ideas, feelings and perspectives. And to be open to the wonder of it all. I’m still on route, a work in progress.

How truly beautiful to be at this stage of life and be moved by a message, a sermon, a song, an interaction, a sadness, a joy and that sublime cup of coffee at Hospitality.

Many of you have touched me and inspired me by your openness and heart. That’s been one of the most meaningful parts of this journey. I remember when Megan shared her need to become part of the Fellowship as an outgrowth of the election. Her words rang so true and strong. Or when Randy speaks of being a lifelong UU – something I can hardly fathom. Or Sharon’s impassioned voice for calling Russ as our settled Minster. Or Reggie speaking up about the felt tragedy of gun violence after yet another mass shooting.  So many stories and voices and examples from everyone – you, all my teachers. The impact is palpable and it’s changed me.  Now I know AND UNDERSTAND that every voice matters. And I’m learning that mine does too.  Powerful, powerful life changing stuff. And so I continue.

There are so many times I’ve been here and come away saying: “I never knew that”; “I’m transformed by that”; I’ve never thought about it that way”; “I heard someone’s story and I really understood”; or “I’m moved beyond words”.

How incredible is that?  And we get this gift every Sunday and then some.

I started getting more involved in things because I was asked (thank you Barbara Woodruff). And as usually happens, things grow and change. It’s not always easy and there’s always more questions than answers. And I wouldn’t want it any other way – really.  So, after these few years, I can reflect that our featured Principle this month – the first part of #3 – Acceptance of one another …. – is alive and well. We not only accept but we journey together over the bumps and through the turns.

My journey still remains motivated partially by curiosity but is now more formed and supported by the words paraphrased from the Chalice lighting:  With a full heart…. Encouraged by one another…. Accepting responsibility to be bold and courageous (or at least learning how) …. Engaged in the world around me…… Giving one another the confidence and heart to live as fully as possible….

So, it seems very reasonable to come and raise my hand for various things – it’s my privilege. And so I continue.