Author: Rev Russ Menk

Hunkering Down

Since 2017 has ended, I’ve been pondering about the emotional state of our nation, our state, our Fellowship, and myself. The bizarre Twilight Zone events created by our government each week are disorienting. The news of a bogus missile attack alert in Hawaii, the Russian Investigation into election meddling, the New Tax Bill, the vulgarity … Continue reading Hunkering Down


January has arrived carrying a new year. Resolutions accompany beginnings—with goals of being a better, lighter, more fit, and more generous person—maybe learning a foreign language? The past has ended, and the future begins this month. But life isn’t really about endings and beginnings. Life is not a linear path where an ending ends, and … Continue reading Beginnings

Living with Inconsistencies

As an engineer, I struggle with things that are erratic, random, unpredictable, irregular, uncertain, unreliable, wayward, volatile, anomalous, and inconsistent. In the world of Science and Engineering, inconsistencies are a barrier to achieving controlled results. If inconsistencies persist, they must be analyzed, understood, and eliminated. Consistency must exist for Engineering. That’s why we have laws, … Continue reading Living with Inconsistencies

Don’t skip the sad parts…..

There’s a lot to be upset about these days. There’s a lot to be angry about. …..outraged.. ….livid….. ..and….viscerally upset. I’m a relatively slow processor of the events of life.  I tend to be slow to form my reaction to life’s twists and turns.  Sometimes this is beneficial—other times not. I’m reacting slowly to the … Continue reading Don’t skip the sad parts…..


My reactions to last weekend’s violence and displays of hatred in Charlottesville, Virginia was both visceral and emotional. When fear is promoted—anger grows.  When anger is tolerated—violence erupts.  When violence is accepted as necessary—deaths occur.  When deaths are seen as unfortunate collateral damage of a greater cause—what will happen to us? My minister/teacher in Massachusetts … Continue reading Charlottesville

Maintenance and Growth

There is a dilemma for some of us in trying to get balance in our lives between the regular chores we need to do to keep our status quo going (shopping, cleaning, bathing, cooking, appointments, emails, Facebook) and our desire to work on our dreams (learning a new skill, writing a book, reading poetry, learning … Continue reading Maintenance and Growth


While this is my 2nd post related to Joy, I believe this is an era where repetition of a healthy life prescription is valuable. So, here are a few more thoughts on the healing and essential role of Joy in our lives: If we pay attention and are present, the Universe is constantly providing us with hints and … Continue reading Joy

Being Aware

The Adult RE class in January was advertised as “…we need to come together as a community to act on our Principles and heal together. What does that mean for each of us? For our Fellowship? What will you do? What will we do?” We had almost 40 people attend our meeting in the Gallery.  … Continue reading Being Aware