Author: Rev Russ Menk

What can I do?

Unitarian Universalists are proud of our history of engagement with social justice issues. We cite our religious ancestors as heroes from pre-Civil war abolitionists through the civil rights struggles of the 1960’s. We post and share pictures of UUs from around the country marching in protests on current issues of marriage equality, voting rights, LGBTQ, … Continue reading What can I do?

The Great Aggravator

It’s easy to be kind, compassionate, generous, calm when things are going well. From our comfort, we can take a “big picture” perspective on the daily stressors and annoyances—and forgive, tolerate, and accept people’s differences with grace. That is, when things are going smoothly. But things are not smooth. The far reaching impacts of the COVID-19 … Continue reading The Great Aggravator

The Movie has Ended

The movie just ended. The credits have rolled by and the screen is black. It was a great movie—one that totally captured me in mind and spirit. It was a fantastic movie—I lost all track of time. It was an extraordinary movie—I felt like I was living the part of the main character. At times … Continue reading The Movie has Ended

Our Illusion

“Illusion is the first of all pleasures” Voltaire I fondly remember a time with feelings of comfort. My feelings produced such a wonderful state of being in the know and in control. Those feelings came from me thinking that I truly knew what was going on—when things made sense—and there was an understandable knowledge of … Continue reading Our Illusion

COVID is not War

“War metaphors evoke a sense of fear (1).” Recently through, I found my father’s draft registration card. My father enrolled in 1940—prior to the U.S. entry into WWII. At the time, he was 24 years old and married to my mom. He served for 3 years in the Air Corps as a private—never saw … Continue reading COVID is not War

Sheltering in Place

Just when I thought it was challenging to promote hope…just when I thought of stressing the importance living out our principles more….just when I was wondering what the next worship theme would be…….just when I was thinking about emphasizing the importance of remembering that nothing lasts—all is impermanent…just when I was thinking about what was … Continue reading Sheltering in Place

Pre-Sabbatical Thoughts (Sermon given 2/23/20)

Sermon given at UUFSCC Sunday February 23, 2020 Pre-Sabbatical Service: Rest/Refresh/Refocus Worship Leader: Rev Russ Menk Worship Associate: Pamela Cote This is the sermon I gave to share what a sabbatical is, why, why now, and what I plan to do for the Months of March and April (and October and November) 2020……Rev Russ =============================================== … Continue reading Pre-Sabbatical Thoughts (Sermon given 2/23/20)

Finding Joy

It seems that there are a lot of things to be upset about. The world is far from perfect—or even in an acceptable state that would allow us exhale (after holding our breath for so long). Our easy access to infinite amounts of information is awash with disturbing news. And people abound who are upset … Continue reading Finding Joy

Unanswered Questions (from 2/2/20 Service)

These are the questions gathered during the “Question Box” service held at UUFSCC on Sunday February 2, 2020—but were not answered at that time. For those questions answered during the service, the recording of Rev Ryan and my answers can be found here: Loving the Questions (Question Box Sermon)” ======================================== Here are my answers to … Continue reading Unanswered Questions (from 2/2/20 Service)