The Adult Religious Exploration and Enrichment Program is dedicated to fostering spiritual growth, exploration of the meaning and purpose of life, and personal development that engages the whole person – intellect, emotion, and spirit –in alignment with the guiding vision and mission of the Fellowship.

We envision the congregation as “a learning community of faith” where members and friends can be mentors, learners and practitioners together. We welcome and involve newcomers and seekers to the Fellowship. We seek to grow our Unitarian Universalist identity and to empower the congregation to put UU values into practice in the world. Our goal is to deepen personal relationships within the congregation and provide opportunities for those who are seeking meaning, connection and spiritual growth.

To submit a proposal for a specific Adult Religious Exploration program, class or activity, please fill out and submit this form.

General suggestions or ideas for Adult RE are welcome anytime – please email

Announcing Adult Religious Exploration Class led by Rev. Laura

2000 Years of UU History: A Whirlwind Tour
Monday, March 24, 4-6 p.m.

Where did Unitarian Universalism come from? How have we changed over the years, and what’s stayed the same? Come find out in this fun, participatory Zoom-based class on UU history led by Rev. Laura. We’ll take a whirlwind tour through our history from its earliest origins to today, with time for your questions and a few tangents depending on the interests of the group.

This session will be recorded, so you can watch it later even if you can’t make it in real time.

Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 858 2595 4740
Passcode: 852931

Click here for a handout for the class: